

This was a very encouraging book.

I’m (sort of) beginning to realize that in life, we don’t know what’s going to happen. But, optimism, which she described as “believing in the goodness of things, in the magic of what might be”, is indeed big and energizing. I was happy to see that she had planted a seed for each small change, for example, planting of trees to grow a garden in the White House, and boar fruits out of it. And her “becoming” was happening in the middle of it.

The book consists of three broad parts. Becoming 1) me, 2) us, and then 3) more. What a nice sequence! I think the process of development of one’s life is not only just one’s own story alone but also a collaboration of various people. I think each other helps and develops together. Cooperation is really big. Therefore one’s success is not one’s own, and the people’s lives are intertwined. I kind of get this point as I read through the book.

Her genuine and vivid voice brought me to my childhood memories too– and I’m learning that the stories and memories of the past themselves may not be so important, but how we weave, concentrate, color our life and diligently create our journey of life are. This book was very encouraging. I learned a lot from her voice and her story!